Sunday, January 2, 2011

20 Highlights from my 20th Year

  1. The birth of my precious niece, Jade Lynn Blaesing, on January 5th, 2010.
  2. Switching from a global studies major to sociology.
  3. Switching from a global studies minor to a business minor.
  4. Living with three incredible roommates, again, Spring semester!
  5. Weekly meetings with Team Himalayas: love, friendship, and revelations from the Lord!
  6. Triple Holly Thursdays! and Smoak’s Hebrew class.
  7. Being the omelet girl in the dining hall three days a week: getting up at the crack of dawn to work with my favorite chefs, Maged and Hani.
  8. Human diversity with Carrie Peirce.
  9. Life and teachings with Baloian.
  10. Getting on a plane that took me to the other side of the world-- 1st out of country experience!
  11. A 19 hour layover in Singapore airport. :) 
  12. 2.5 weeks in India: precious children, adopted grandmas, answered prayers, and miracle after miracle among and through my beautiful team! Praise the Lord.
  13. 8 days praying over God’s beautiful creation in a closed country.
  14. Revelations in Starbucks in Singapore with 3 beautiful girls :)
  15. Spending ten days in Hawaii with my roomie Kim and her awesome family!
  16. A summer trip to Colorado to see good friends.
  17. Spending a semester in LA with a most valuable and wonderful friend: Kimberley Winther. Tears, joy, anger, and adventures in the City of Angels together for 3.5 months!
  18. The second birthday of the most handsome little man in the world, my nephew Haiden Eric Blaesing.
  19. Getting to know my host sister, Stephy Gonzales, the craziest and funniest little beauty ever!
  20. Spending Christmas with my family in our new home in Kingman, Arizona and finishing off the year with them.
This year, EVERYTHING changed.
My hopes for next year:
That the Lord would solidify in my heart all that He has taught me.
That I would embrace the woman He has made me to be.
That I would run with more conviction toward the dreams He’s given me.
That the old and new friendships in my life would blossom.
That my time would be well spent, and that I’d always be willing to put aside obligation for the sake of love.
May the change be EVIDENT in my life!
Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!!

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