I recently learned about the Target: Women segments of the tv show InfoMania. Sarah Haskins does an awesome job of using humor to shed light on how women are targeted by the media. Watch them! They are super funny if you just need a laugh, and I encourage you to think about the messages the commercials send to women.
This one is the first Target: Women segment. I had never thought of it before: why are ALL yogurt commercials so obviously targeting women who feel insecure about themselves?
This one was interesting to me after a discussion in one of my classes about engagement rings. It's only been in the last 60 or so years that men have been expected to buy a woman a diamond ring to propose. De Beers, the company who controls 90% of the diamonds in the world, inflicted the U.S. with this message in order to boost sales, but now it is basically a fact of life: he better get a diamond ring if he's planning on proposing! But what kind of messages does this send? What is it suggesting that women really care about? Also, what is marriage built on, and what are the most important aspects of love in American society's eyes? Haskins does such a good job of putting what is actually sort of a ridiculous expectation into a humorous light. :)
This one is the first Target: Women segment. I had never thought of it before: why are ALL yogurt commercials so obviously targeting women who feel insecure about themselves?
This one was interesting to me after a discussion in one of my classes about engagement rings. It's only been in the last 60 or so years that men have been expected to buy a woman a diamond ring to propose. De Beers, the company who controls 90% of the diamonds in the world, inflicted the U.S. with this message in order to boost sales, but now it is basically a fact of life: he better get a diamond ring if he's planning on proposing! But what kind of messages does this send? What is it suggesting that women really care about? Also, what is marriage built on, and what are the most important aspects of love in American society's eyes? Haskins does such a good job of putting what is actually sort of a ridiculous expectation into a humorous light. :)
This one made me laugh so hard I almost spit out my soup. These commercials definitely send some powerful messages to both genders.
Google Target Women for more videos... they're all worth watching! You go, Sarah Haskins.
I laughed A LOT! Great insights and an awesome sense of humor. Thanks for posting. :)