Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You Are Good.

When God made the heavens and the earth,
He looked at his creation and he said,
"It is good."
And when he made the flowers, he said
"It is good."
And when he made people, he said
"They are good."
With all their tendencies and potential for evil, God said, knowing full well their bad will, "good."

You are good.
When God made you he said,
"You are good."
And this morning when you woke up God looked at you and he said,
"You are good."
And tonight as you sleep he will gaze upon you and say,
"My child, you are good."
When they tell you you are bad,
Know that you are good.
You are a masterpiece, and you are my friend,
and you are good.
I love you, and you are good.

For Vijay, '11.

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